Monday 2 August 2010

dinner at Homerton college

You may or may not believe this, but only a few minutes ago I've had a nice English dinner at 5:30pm! Isn't that amazing? (No worries, I won't starve but get myself a meal later on this night ;)
Also the dining hall is the great hall of the college which is very impressive! For those of you who have read Harry Potter: Yes, it is exactly like that, except the big double door doesn't open with magic but electronically with a motion detecting sensor.
Homerton College of Cambrige University = my working place for August
Can you spot the double door that leads to the Great hall? (on the left)

All chairs in there have "respice finem" written on them which means "mind the end". This is taken from a Latin proverb: "Quidquid agis, prudenter agas, et respice finem." I actually knew that by heart thanks to the cool tutoring of Dr. Adalbert Nobis. Oh, and it means: "Whatever you do, do it wisely, and mind the end."

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