Germans are cold and distant? - True.
The English are cold and distant, too? - Maybe so.
Worth kicking up a fuss about it? - No.
Can you feel a big, fat BUT peeking around the corner? - Yes.
There are a few people on this planet who don't interest me, and even fewer people who I don't like. Would you call it deceptive if I hid my attitude towards them? I don't think so. Call it a social convention or whatever, but there must always be some time for some small talk. This sounds like common sense, but mind you, it is not. In England at least, a basic level of politeness has luckily become a convention, and people don't feel smacked straight in their mouths if the only person in a pub to talk to is your most despised enemy alive. He will talk to you - and, yes why not, the weather can be worth talking about.
I don't really know if it is Germany or me, but I personally think that it is childish to be rude. Maybe you act superficially, but at the same time you are also diplomatic. As it says in the Prayer for the Stressed: "Help me to be careful of the toes I step on today, as they may be connected to the feet I may have to kiss tomorrow."
Well, if you are still not sure whether ignoring a person or taking the hassle of being polite (and talk) to a person is the right desicion, think about these remote possibilities:
First, if it turns out that the basis of presupposed hostility stems from a mere misunderstanding and you end up liking that person, you win.
Second, if it turns out that person manifests your initial impression and your hatred deepens significantly, you are once again reminded that you should better be cautious. ["Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" (The Godfather, Part II).]
Third, in my opinion an individual's self-perception depends on the social network rank that one mans. So even if you engage in some small talk without ultimate passion, you've done something good (even if this self-perception boost is only of a virtual nature). Why should you not try and give someone a nice feeling?
So hey, why being so arrogant, thought- and careless, you bloody Germans? You afraid of wasting your time or missing out on something? This is a win-win situation!