I'm still impressed with house #2. Anyway, I have about 30 pounds cash and I'm a bit annoyed when nationalrail.co.uk tells me that I have to pay another 44 pounds for a single fare to Cambridge.
Luckily when I walk down the road I bump into a coach station with National Express coaches. I get myself a ticket for a service to Cambridge at 3pm for 25 quid. Not too bad, ey? I decide to walk to house visit #4 for it seems pretty close to me near the University of Birmingham and the city centre. And indeed, it is.
I meet the landlord who's an extremely friendly chap who shows me around and explains me everything. I'm very impressed with the house. It was built in 1910 and each single room, even the attic, has got an own little fire place. Naturally the rents quite high. Not even does he introduce me to the house but also walks with me through the nearby wonderful park, explains me in which pub Oasis had their first ever live gig, and gives me a tour of my future university campus!
I very much like the university. All seems to be very modern and student-friendly. Each department has got it's own building and there's a high tower in the middle of it. Unfortunately you can't climb on it anymore, since a Japanese student committed suicide by jumping off it. I have the impression that someone couldn't handle exam period there. A shame, really, and also very selfish because now students can't climb it anymore, as I said. And not very nice to look at, I'd imagine.
Well, anyway. I walk back into the city centre and to the station. I find a foreign currency exchange bureau where I trade in my last remaining €s. Then I get myself a portion of chips refined with salt n vinegar, additionally a burger. British beef, of course. What else?
The coach to Cambridge is delayed so I wait for a bit. I've got a friendly driver again, who, unfortunately, drives like if he was in a race. So again, I caught a little sleep but not too much. Arriving in Cambridge near Parker's piece, I lend my mobile to a British lady to call her son to pick her up.
What do I owe you, my dear? - No, that's fine, thanks...I have a trolley as luggage so I can drag it after me as I walk down Hills road, where I find Homerton college straight away. The porters show me to my room and I make myself comfortable. Since I'm too late for dinner I get myself some cheese, ham, rolls and a pack of nice olives in garlic sauce at the nearby supermarket. I don't find any Bell staff on site so I decide to go to sleep and see what tomorrow brings.